Friday, March 2, 2012

Month 2

ok so I am a week late but things have been kind of crazy lately. I have concluded the first month. I had a couple of things happen in the past week. I went to my nutritionist on friday the 24th and it went really well!!!! i sat down with her and she looked over my food logs that i have been keeping over the past month and she says i am doing great and that i have been meeting all of the goals that i have set so far!! She weighed me at the end and according to their scale I have lost 10 lbs since last month so i was at 259!!! So thats is a total of about 20 lbs less then my heaviest. I set my next appointment for the end of march and cant wait to get the 2nd month down and on to the final month.

One of the things that i am required to do prior to my surgery is make sure that i have a proper, reliable form of birth control. because it is very important to make sure that I dont get pregnant until my weight plateaus at my goal weight that can take anywhere from 9 months to 2 years. YOu can imagine how hard this has been for brian and i considering we have tried to have kids for the past three years. It was very hard but I like to think that my children that are waiting for us in heaven understand that i want to give them the most healthy place i can for them to grow when they come to us. So i decided to go with a non hormonal IUD.... i am very happy with my decision to go non hormonal, however.... I did not expect to experience so much pain!!!! The first week has been the hardest and i am pretty swollen which has made me gain a few pounds(which i am not happy about). I have been in a lot of pain lately but i am just going day to day pushing forward. Because i have been in so much pain it has been hard for me to go to the gym because it makes the cramping much worse. Once my body gets used to it will be much better.

I am going to take some pictures and post them onto my blog very soon i want to make sure i get some for sure before my surgery.

So i want to talk a little bit more about some of my goals for after. I have been looking and reading many other peoples blogs and watching other peoples wls journeys and i have noticed that many people make goals for themselves and work towards it both before and after surgery. SO here are some of my goals.

         - I want to run a 5k marathon by the time i am 6 months post op.
         - I want to be back at my college weight (200) by the time i do my 5k

I have never been much of a runner but that was because I had a lot of weight to be running around with. I have always wanted to be a runner so with this opportunity for the first time ever it is within my grasp. I am very excited to start getting ready for it though!!!

Some problems i have been running into is still learning to sip instead of gulp.... i love my water and so it still has been hard for me. And of course the working out is not going as well as i wanted it to be for the past week.

So i hope you all enjoy my updates and if you have any questions or comments for me go ahead and leave me one!!!! By


  1. Great job, Felicia! You're an inspiration!! Keep posting!

  2. Felicia, I am so proud of you. Loosing weight is the hardest thing a person can ever do. I have struggled with my weight most of my life. After I got married to Stephen I lost some pounds and was feeling pretty good. Then I got breast cancer and just the whole process of things I gained 20 pounds last year. It will take me forever to loose that again. But I enjoyed reading your blog and wish you the best. You can do it. Tell yourself everyday in the mirror. Love Linda Adams (Cerrillo)

  3. Felicia. Try a small cup. Before surgery I actually practiced with the cap of a bottle. I know that sounds silly but it's 1oz. 10 minutes. Don't stress the water. It'll only take one gulp and you'll never do it again!

    Proud of you lady! You have a long long road ahead of you but I know you can do it!

    If i can recommend anything at all besides your focus on your diet. Start perhaps seeing a therapist now. The year after your surgery will bring up so so many issues in your life. If nothing more than your relationship with food. I don't know anyone who hasn't benefited from therapy!

    Love to you lady!!!!

  4. Hey Felicia! I think you are amazing for doing this! So proud of you to make the choices you need to get healthy and be healthy for your kids. Way to go! I wanted to also suggest getting massage at least once a month. As a massage therapist I have found that having this help to destress can actually help you lost weight. You're body tends to let go of extra weight it may be holding onto because of that stress. Plus is feels sooooo good! Try and find a therapist in a chiropractors office or one that has their own studio. Spas are nice, but they're not as therapeutic as I think you might need. Also, any swelling you have for injuries or just in general can be helped with Lymphatic Drainage which is another type of massage. Let me know if you have any questions!

  5. Amazing job Felicia, keep going I am so proud of both of you, it will make an impact in both of your lives. It isn't important for you now to sip your water, but to learn the difference. You need to picture it being a hot beverage, picture hot cocoa or soup or something else you enjoy sipping slowly. I used medicine cups, they're about the right size and gets the water in the perfect position for sipping. Right now it is important to learn to sip for after surgery, yes, but it's also important that you stay hydrated and if you try to sip ALL of your water right now it will add that drinking all day factor into your life now which happens post op. Which may or may not be helpful to you. I would suggest waiting till closer to surgery though because it is so important to get all your water and not get dehydrated that maybe you sip half your water now or something along those lines.. Also I have found that the only type of massage that helps me is the Aqua Therapy, just find what works for you and if it helps, go for it!! It's not really a weight loss kind of thing but more stress relief which does help overall. I would say having started my therapist before I went in to surgery was helpful but it is something that also is very individual if it helps or not. But as many tools as you find that will help you, keep filling that toolbox up!! Love you so much!

  6. I love that you're blogging about this! It's like an additional motivation! Best wishes on your endeavors; it's quite exciting! :)
